Do you currently receive the Universal Credit administrative work allowance?
There are some changes to your work search commitment coming into play from 26th September.
What does this mean:
Anyone earning less than £494 per month, as a single person or less than £782 as a couple WILL be required to attend the Job Centre and WILL be required to agree a new claimant commitment with your Work Coach.
These will be reviewed regularly and if anyone not keeping to these new commitments risk being sanctioned.
How can we help you?
Realise Your Potential is Cadwyn Housing Associations’ very own Employment Support Team and will help tenants with this new change.
Please do not let this new change cause you any stress or anxiety.
Contact us if you are one of the 114,000 people this will affect, and we will be there with you every step of the way including going to the Job Centre with you for this review meeting.