It’s great to see that so many people are as excited as we are about the shipping container project. It seems to be the topic of conversation and has raised a number of questions. We’ve pulled together a list of those frequently asked questions below to help you better understand the project.
Who will be housed in this accommodation?
The flats will provide high quality comfortable temporary accommodation for families eligible to be housed in Cardiff until a suitable permanent home can be found. Cardiff Council will manage the allocation process and Cadwyn will manage the tenancies.
This is family accommodation that will be allocated to families having a priority from the waiting list.
Won't the shipping containers make the area look like a shantytown?
The scheme has been through a comprehensive design process in order to achieve planning approval. There has been extensive consultation within the local community from the design stage to commencement of works. There are several examples throughout the UK of how shipping containers are being used to provide well designed, high-quality homes and commercial premises in a fraction of the time of traditionally constructed properties would take.
Why don't you use empty houses instead?
The provision of new affordable homes is a key priority for Cardiff Council and its RSL partners, and many avenues are being explored including innovative approaches such as the provision of new homes using shipping containers. There is an Empty Homes Strategy in place in Cardiff with funding being provided by Welsh Government to encourage owners of empty homes to bring them back into use.
Are these going to be used instead of B&B's?
Cardiff Council has not used B&B as temporary accommodation for homeless clients since June 2006.
Are these properties going to be managed and the people living in them supported?
The properties will be managed and the necessary support provided where required.
Won't the containers be too hot in the summer and freezing in the winter?
These units are insulated and ventilated to achieve building control requirements just like traditionally constructed homes.