Everyone has the right to live safely, free from abuse, neglect and exploitation. If you think you, someone in your home or community is being abused or neglected Cadwyn can help with this and ensure the person receives the appropriate support 

What is safeguarding?

  • Safeguarding means protecting children, young people and adults from neglect and abuse.  
  • This includes physical, emotional, financial, sexual and psychological abuse as well as discrimination, modern slavery and self neglect.  
  • Cadwyn work alongside partners including the Police, Social Services and Healthcare to try to keep everyone in our homes safe and support you to make your own choices.  

When should I raise safeguarding concerns?

There can be many signs of abuse and neglect. However, the signs can often be difficult to spot. There may be some warning signs including: 

  • Unexplained injuries 
  • Reduced attendance at school, college or work 
  • No gas or electricity in property 
  • Unexplained repairs in property 
  • Unauthorised person staying at property 
  • Unexplained financial expenditure  
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How do I report a safeguarding concern?
  • If you think a child or adult is in immediate danger call 999 immediately.  
  • You can contact Cadwyn on 029 20 498898 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) or email neighbourhoodteam@cadwyn.co.uk.
What will Cadwyn do?
  • We will always treat any concerns seriously. 
  • We will respond to you within one working day 
  • We may need to share concerns with other agencies to enable them to investigate further.  
  • We will always try to seek your consent to share concerns with appropriate agencies unless it places you or someone else at risk of further harm.  
  • We will always try to keep you informed of what action we are taking unless it places you or someone else at risk of further harm.  
  • We will support you to safeguard yourself and others.  
  • We’ll help you cope with the effects of any abuse or neglect you have witnessed or experienced and will signpost you to specialist support agencies where appropriate.  
  • Full details about Cadwyn’s approach to safeguarding can be found in our safeguarding policy here
External Links


All Wales Safeguarding Procedures 




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