We have been successful in helping Realise your Potential members to find work and in 2015 supported 30 of our members into paid employment.

To make sure you’re in the best position to start applying for work we can help you with:

  • Creating or updating an existing CV – we can help you create a CV using our own template and give you the best advice on how to sell yourself to potential employers.
  • Career advice – through one-to-one support we will help you find suitable roles to match your skills.
  • Using job sites – job sites can be difficult to use but we can help you understand how to use these sites and upload your CV onto them.
  • Support to complete job applications – we can give you tips on how to complete applications online.


It’s not always easy to gain access to the resources needed to look for work. Realise your Potential members have free access to our computer room to ensure they have the resources needed. If you wish to use our computer room, our friendly staff are always at hand to help you.

To book a session on the computers please call one of our team members on 029 2043 4470 or Customer Services on 029 2098 8898.