‘Our Cardiff’ is a project which celebrates the rich heritage of Cardiff’s Butetown area and the historical connection between past and present residents.

Thanks to the valued help of residents, partners, and supporters of the project, we’re delighted to unveil Butetown’s latest community landmark – the fantastic ‘Our Cardiff’ mural by local artist Lucy Sweeney.

Mae ‘Ein Caerdydd’ yn brosiect sy’n dathlu treftadaeth cyfoethog ardal Trebiwt o Gaerdydd a’r cysylltiad hanesyddol rhwng trigolion y gorffennol a’r presennol.

Diolch i gymorth gwerthfawr trigolion, partneriaid a chefnogwyr y prosiect, mae’n bleser i ddadorchuddio tirnod diweddaraf Trebiwt – y murlun ‘Ein Caerdydd’ ffantastig gan yr artist lleol Lucy Sweeney.

After engaging with local businesses and tenants, Our Cardiff teamed up with EYST to recruit and film residents sharing their stories of Butetown from over the years.

Watch the full video of local residents’ experiences as filmed by Zaid Djedri:


Ar ôl ymgysylltu gyda busnesau a thenantiaid lleol, partnerodd Ein Caerdydd gydag EYST i recriwtio a ffilmio trigolion lleol yn rhannu straeon o Drebiwt dros y blynyddoedd.

Gwyliwch y fideo cyfan o brofiadau trigolion lleol a ffilmiwyd gan Zaid Djerdi:


After the completed interviews, residents once again met to select their  artist to reflect their experiences and create a brand new, vibrant mural in their neighbourhood. It’s a pleasure to confirm that the chosen local artist was the incredibly talented Lucy Sweeney.

Ar ôl cwblhau’r cyfweliadau, cyfarfodd trigolion unwaith eto i ddewis eu hartist i adlewyrchu eu profiadau a chreu murlun newydd sbon, bywiog yn eu cymuned. Mae’n bleser cadarnhau mae’r artist lleol penodedig oedd yr anhygoel o dalentog Lucy Sweeney.

Watch the INCREDIBLE transformation as local artist Lucy Sweeney turns a disused wall in Butetown, Cardiff into a celebration of the area’s rich history and heritage.

_________________________________________________________________________ Gwyliwch y trawsnewidiad ANHYGOEL wrth i’r artist lleol Lucy Sweeney droi wal allan o ddefnydd yn Nhre-Biwt mewn i ddathliad o hanes a threftadaeth yr ardal.

Remember to stop on by and visit the incredible finished mural on Dumballs Road (outside the NuLife Furniture shop).


Cofiwch i ddod i ymweld gyda’r murlun ar Dumballs Road (tu fas siop NuLife Furniture)

Revisit the journey on our list of Our Cardiff blogs via the link below.

Ailymwelwch gyda’r daith Ein Caerdydd ar ein rhestr blogiau trwy’r linc isod.

We’d like to thank everyone who’s contributed to the success of the project including all contributors, volunteers, and staff, with a special thanks to:

The National Lottery Heritage Fund: For a grant of £8,500. Thanks to all National Lottery players for making this possible.

EYST: For supporting the recruitment of contributors and locations for the project.

Wales & West Utilities: For the gift of the mural location wall.

Hoffem ni ddiolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu i lwyddiant y prosiect gan gynnwys yr holl gyfranwyr, gwirfoddolwyr, a staff, gyda diolch arbennig i:


Cronfa Treftadaeth y Loteri Genedlaethol: Am rodd o £8,500. Diolch i chwaraewyr y Loteri Genedlaethol am wneud hyn yn bosib.

EYST: Am gefnogi gyda darganfod cyfranwyr a lleoliadau ar gyfer y prosiect.

Wales & West Utilities: Am y rhodd o’r wal lle baentiwyd y murlun.