- Keep you safe and secure in your home.
- Help you get the financial support you need.
- Support you and find solutions if you have difficulty paying your rent.
- Do everything they can to support your wellbeing.
If you have received notice from your landlord that your rent is increasing from April, we don’t want this to add to your worries.
All social landlords have agreed not to take eviction action against any tenants experiencing financial hardship as a result of coronavirus. I have asked them to go further and ensure every tenant can get support when they need it and that no tenants are left with unmanageable debts when the coronavirus crisis is over.
Everyone’s circumstances will be different. It is important you can access advice and support, which is right for you. Please make sure if you are or think you might, suffer from financial hardship, that you talk to your landlord as soon as possible. They will be able to help and advise you.
Our housing guidance is here: www.gov.wales/coronavirus. More information about financial support will be available on the same link shortly.
Please keep safe and well
Yours sincerely

Julie James AC/AM
Y Gweinidog Tai a Llywodraeth Leol
Minister for Housing and Local Government