Two long-serving Cadwyn Board members stood down at this years’ annual general meeting in July. Between them, Jasper Roberts and Iwan Jones clocked up 37 years as Cadwyn Board members. They were both Chairs of the Board and Jasper was Chair of the Audit Committee.
Between them, Jasper and Iwan must have attended nearly 400 board meetings, 27 AGMS and numerous other meetings, conferences and training sessions on Cadwyns’ behalf. The roles are all voluntary, undertaken in their own time and unpaid. They have acted as ambassadors at external events, provided independent scrutiny and shoulders to cry on for the senior staff when things got tough. Many tenants will have met them at AGM’s and other events.
We’re sure everyone who knows Cadwyn will recognise their contribution to our work and want to share our thanks for their support. We will miss them greatly.