
Sarah visited Mr Davies to carry out a welfare check. He told her that he felt quite isolated. He only had one family member who he didn’t see often. Apart from this he didn’t have any support.

Mr Davies was on a lot of medication and was anxious that if his health deteriorated he might not be able to get help. He used to have a carer who would do his shopping for him but he found it too expensive so he stopped it. He could generally manage by buying small amounts daily but he did lack social contact.

Mr Davies also disclosed to Sarah that he had been drinking frequently and that this was causing him issues with losing his keys etc.

Support provided

Sarah told Mr Davies about Age Cymru who could help with shopping and also provide him with regular telephone contact. They also talked about whether his accommodation was suitable to his needs. Mr Davies said that he would like to move to sheltered accommodation as there would be more of a community environment and that having an on site warden or a community alarm would give him piece of mind.

Sarah helped Mr Davies to fill in a housing application and sent it off for him to register on the common housing waiting list. She arranged to visit Mr Davies every 3 months so that she could make sure that he was ok.


Mr Davies went to see his Doctor and is now taking regular medication. He cut down on his drinking and is also in touch with Age Cymru. He is a much happier person.

Mr Davies’s Story


Latiffah and her son had been homeless since March 2015.  Latiffah had her own tenancy, however she was subject to ongoing racial harassment and was assaulted in her property.  This exacerbated her depression and eventually Latiffah left the property unable to cope and worried for her son’s safety.

She stayed temporarily in an unsupported hostel in Cardiff.  Unfortunately she was found to be Intentionally Homeless and was evicted from the Hostel.  Latiffah had no choice but to ask the Council for further assistance because she had nowhere else to go.  The Council placed her in Nightingale House under Section 73 of the New Housing Act.

Support provided

When Latiffah arrived at Nightingale House, she explained that  she had never had the opportunity to challenge her Intentionally Homeless decision and she felt she hadn’t been listed to.  She was supported to make an appointment with Shelter Cymru where she was able to discuss the details of her housing with a caseworker, who gave her guidance on submitting her information to the Council.  Latiffah’s Support Worker helped her to put her own case forward in writing to the Council who then investigated by speaking to the professionals Latiffah had suggested.  Unfortunately the decision was upheld.

Latiffah’s Support Worker then made a referral to CanDo Lettings and they were able to find her a 2 bedroom flat, which she was delighted with and moved in with her son.  She was supported to make a Discretionary Assistance Fund application for assistance with furniture, and also referred to NU Life Furniture; a furniture up-cycling scheme run by Cadwyn.  Latiffah also attended the DIY course that was run at Nightingale House which further prepared her for having her own place.

When Latiffah arrived at Nightingale House, she also disclosed that she experienced depression but was determined to stay off medication.  Latiffah was referred to the Cadwyn Counselling scheme and still continues with the sessions.  She has learnt new coping mechanisms which means she does not, and thinks will not need medication.

Latiffah also engaged with the Creating Connections Course which is designed to give single parents the space to develop their confidence and skills and identify the positive connections in their lives.  She enjoyed the course so much that she has put herself forward to be a volunteer leader for future courses.

Finally, Latiffah accessed all of the parenting support available at Nightingale House.  She regularly attended Stay and Play sessions run by Shine and Flying Start, and went on the trips organised by them and Nightingale staff.


Latiffah now lives in suitable and sustainable accommodation.  She has improved confidence, skills and mental health.  She is accessing learning opportunities and improving her parenting skills.  She also has a wider social network and most importantly, her family is safe.

“I really enjoyed my stay at Nightingale House because I found Latiffah again.  Thank you very much for being there for my son and I.” – Latiffah.

Latiffah’s Story


I was using drugs and drinking a lot when I first met Jen; I was really low and couldn’t see my way out of it; but I wanted out of it. My 3 kids were effected because of where I was ‘at’ and I didn’t want to stay there. I had lots of debts and struggled to manage my money and organise my life.

Support provided

Jen came each week and helped me see there was hope, she helped me to sort out my finances, supported me with the children and accessing services for them. Some things, as I felt better I did myself. I got engaged with drug and alcohol services. I got engaged with courses.


With Jen’s help I had one £2,000 debt cleared and got the other’s put in an administration order; so I pay £5 per week for them now and they will all be cleared at the end of the year (£5,000 worth of debt). I now have no debt and I am saving for a family holiday in the summer; we haven’t had one in year’s. We’re going to Spain. Me and my kids are on track now. I don’t take drugs anymore and I haven’t drunk for a long time. I am exercising and eating healthily now. And I’m doing really well in college; I love learning. I knew I had it in me; I just needed a little help. I’ve passed my exams now and will be in university by September next year. I hadn’t studied for 20 years until now, not since school; I was really anxious and worried that I couldn’t do it but Jen supported, encouraged and had faith in me; and that’s made a real difference to mine and my families lives.

Thank you sooo much for your support, encouragement and faith in me. I know that without you coming into my life just over a year ago I would have still been existing instead of living.

Emma’s Story


Rebecca (name changed) was referred to Nightingale House as a result of being evicted from another hostel in Cardiff. Prior to this Rebecca spent the past few years staying in hostels and being street homeless. During this time Rebecca also spent some time in prison as well as being admitted into Whitchurch hospital. She led a chaotic and unstable life since she was a teenager. Rebecca presented to Nightingale House when she was 4 months pregnant. She had a history of abusive relationships, criminal activity, a history of substance misuse and was currently on the methadone programme.

Rebecca was also involved with a number of organisations including CAU and social services for the unborn child.

Whilst at Nightingale House Rebecca gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Support provided

Rebecca was always open and honest during the support sessions she received at Nightingale House. She engaged well with myself and we developed a very positive working relationship. She took a very active role in her support sessions which she attended on a weekly basis. She made her goals pretty clear and was very driven and motivated to achieve these.

Her goals included:

  • To have her own permanent accommodation
  • Be prepared for her next tenancy
  • To work with all required agencies in order to have her son reside with her

    and attend all meetings. This included the health visitor, social services, CAU,

    intensive family support team (IFST) and myself.

  • To continue with the methadone programme and have regular urine tests.


Rebecca’s determination and positive attitude was a major factor in helping her work towards the above goals.
She was offered permanent Cardiff council accommodation and moved in June 2014. The progress she has made whilst residing at Nightingale House and moving into her permanent property is huge.

Her priority and responsibilities are now focused on providing the best possible care for her son and successfully maintaining her tenancy.
She is also working towards having her son removed from the CPR in November. She has engaged well with resettlement and as my support ends she has started to work with tenancy support.

The journey she has made is remarkable in that she started with nothing and now feels has everything and the key factor in this was the drive she had within herself and the level of engagement she had with support.

Long term, she will be saving on a number of services as she has rehabilitated
from her previous drugs use, she has learnt from her mistakes and so will not get involved with the wrong side of the law, Logan being taken off the register will relieve the pressures social services are under and successfully maintaining her tenancy will also relieve the current homelessness situation.

The following are quotes from Rebecca as a result of the support received from Nightingale House:

“if it wasn’t for this place I wouldn’t have him” “it’s worth hanging on although you get days” “support is wicked”
“always someone to talk to any time or day”

Rebecca’s Story


Mrs Clarke loved living in her flat but health problems made it difficult for her to get out and about. She was becoming a prisoner in her own home.

Friends and family wanted her to move, and although she knew this was a practical answer, in her heart she didn’t want to leave.

Mrs. Clarke had looked in to getting a stair lift but because of building regulations nobody would commit to installing it for her.

Support provided

Mrs Clarke met with Vicky, our Neighbourhood Assistant to discuss the stair lift. Vicky was then able to refer Mrs. Clarke to an Occupational Therapist.

Because the stairway was communal Vicky got in touch with the Fire Safety Officer for guidance. Working with the Occupational Therapist and Fire and Building Regulators, Vicky was then able to arrange to install the stair lift that Mrs. Clarke required.


Mrs. Clarke is a Jehovah witness and had not been able to attend any of her meetings. The stair lift gave her back her independence and enabled her to attend her meetings again as well as visit her daughters and enjoy the garden.

“I’m so grateful that there was so much compassion shown in trying to help me.” – Mrs Clarke.

Mrs Clarke’s Story