From Thursday 1st November, we will be changing our Heating contractor from Heatforce to Ivor Cook Ltd.
As a result of this, contact details for Heating Repairs and Out of Hours Heating Repairs will change.
New contact details
Heating Repairs: 01633 255 900 (8am-5pm)
Out of Hours Repairs for Heating Breakdowns: 07730 526 371 (5pm-8am)
There are no changes to the normal heating service other than the work will be carried out by a new contractor.

Matthew Sargent – Ivor Cook Contracts Manager, said:
“Ivor Cook Ltd is extremely proud to start working with Cadwyn Housing, offering its wealth of technical ability, experience and professionalism to all of Cadwyn’s residents. We are looking forward to delivering our services within the community.”
Martin Ford – Head of Asset Management, said:
“Having met and spoken with the team at Ivor Cook, I’m really looking forward to working with them and confident they will provide a great service to our residents.”