Whilst in prison Jade was detoxed and served her sentence as a model prisoner. She attended all the classes put on and received counselling to help address her behaviour and look at her triggers.
After being released Jade approached the local authority for housing. As she was doing so well her Probation Officer liased with our Housing Options team to see if there was a way that she could be housed in our temporary accommodation. This was important to Jade as she feared a relapse if she was around others who may still be using.
We agreed to house the tenant in one of our temporary accommodation properties in Blaenau Gwent. This was another major turning point in her recovery and in getting her children back.
Ongoing housing management was the key to Jade’s tenancy being successful as was working closely with Social Services and other third sector agencies that deal with substance misuse issues. She was reminded how important it was to address any issues with us that may affect her sustaining her tenancy e.g. rent arrears, damage etc, but she was a model tenant.
Jade said “After becoming homeless, I was given temporary accommodation which enabled me to build relationships and bonds with my three children. This started first with contact which then led to overnight stays. This improved our relationships no end and gradually this led to their return to my care and united them once more with myself and each other. We are now together as a family again and very happy.
Thanks to the support of Calon Temporary Accommodation Scheme working with Blaenau Gwent Housing Options Team this would have not been possible and I dread to think of the outcome of being passed from one Shelter to another or into inappropriate Bed & Breakfast accommodation. I am very grateful for all the help in housing me.