Cadwyn understands that anti-social behaviour and hate crime are worries that our tenants may have.

In order for our tenants to feel safe and secure in their homes we must be able to tackle this type of behaviour.

We also believe that everyone has the right to live the way they want as long as it does not spoil the quality of life of others.

This means being accepting and respecting of the needs and choices of the following:

  • Ethnicity
  • Faith
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Sexuality
  • Disability

We adopt a victim centred approach and support and empower victims to have a voice. The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 includes new measures which are designed to give victims and communities a say in the way anti-social behaviour is dealt with.

Our tenancy agreement explains the behaviour we expect from our residents and anybody living in or visiting their property. Tenants are responsible for the actions of other members of their household including children, lodgers, visitors and pets.

If you need to contact Cadwyn about any Anti-Social Behaviour please call us or fill out the contact form below.

Fields marked with an * are required

This form collects personal data for the purpose outlines in the form. View our current Privacy Policy for how we manage your data.

Cadwyn take seriously any complaints about hate crime or anti-social behaviour. We will investigate all such complaints in an objective, sensitive, confidential and unbiased manner.

The aim of this approach is to improve quality of life for our tenants and to help to create safe and unified communities.

When you contact us with an anti-social behaviour issue we start an investigation. After we have looked into your complaint, we will tell you whether we can take any action and the reasons why behind our decision.We will normally contact the person who has been accused of anti-social behaviour, if we have your permission to do so.

We will contact you regularly to keep you up to date with the steps we are taking to deal with your complaint. To deal with the issue effectively we may also need to work with other agencies such as Social Services, Youth Inclusion Services, Community Mental Health Teams and the Police.

The Community Trigger

If you have previously reported anti-social behaviour and feel that any actions taken have been inadequate, victims can use the Community Trigger to demand action.

To be eligible to use this trigger there must have been three incidents. These must be related to the same issue and have been reported to a Local Authority, the Police, the Local Health Board or Registered Social Landlords, in the last six months.

We work with the police and local authority to share data, agree solutions and to be as effective as possible in solving your issue.

We take seriously any complaints about ASB and will work to resolve complaints in an objective, sensitive, confidential and unbiased way. Because of this, we want tenants to be aware of what isn’t counted as ASB. Examples of what isn’t counted under ASB include:

  • Parking (including badly parked vehicles),
  • Children playing,
  • Neighbours doing DIY (at reasonable times of the day),
  • Groups of people in the street or in parks, unless they are being rowdy, abusive, causing damage or committing other crimes,
  • Noise caused by everyday living,
  • Religious or cultural practice,
  • A one-off party,
  • General living noise.