Step 1

Give us a ring!

Please let us know as soon as possible if you are intending to move out. If you’re not certain but there is strong possibility that you will be moving out then please tell us- it won’t be a problem if it doesn’t work out or you change your mind.

email or call her on 029 2049 8898 and she’ll arrange to visit you.

Step 2

We will visit you

This will be tell you about the check out process and what you need to do to end everything properly. 

You will need to sign a tenancy termination form. This is the formal contractual part of the process. 

How much notice do I need to give?

A minimum of 4 weeks should be given as stated in your tenancy.

Please don't move out without telling us

This causes lots of problems and means there will be a delay in getting your home ready for the next tenant. It will also cause problems for you if you need housing again in the future.